Project Description


This was one of the first large scale exterior designs we did that was outside of the United States back in 1998. We used different floodlights with various lamping to create layers on this Cathedral. We wanted to create layers to the design while taking advantage of HPS sources for the red brick, and MH sources for the white portions of the building. We also wanted to highlight the with higher wattage fixtures to add to the philosophical aspect of a connection with God as the spires reach to the heavens. It was gratifying to see the results of our design, and also to have it shown in a newspaper as seen above.



  • Use of proper color temperature fixture sources to highlight materials used in the church
  • The Church is a major focus on the city of Menizales, both from the religious aspect, but also being in the city center as a major architectural element to the city
  • Locations of specific locations on the spires were determined to hide the source of light from the ground while providing even illumination of the spires.
  • Lower lighting levels were used for the lower portion of the church to allow the spires to stand out.